May 18 2024 CATHERINE URBAN: Unifying Solar Returns and Annual Profections

NCGR-SF 05-18-24 Catherine UrbanREGISTER – GET THE LINK
Both Solar Return charts and Annual Profections highlight themes for an individual’s year ahead forecast.

But how do we streamline these two techniques to tell a concise story about the incoming year?

Medieval Persian astrologer Abu Ma’shar offers us a valuable system. Let’s dive into this potent year-ahead fusion of techniques which will elevate your year-ahead forecasts to new levels of precision.

Saturday, May 18, 2024
1pm to 3pm, Pacific Time
Two hour Event, Via Webinar

Check your time with this time zone calculator.

Admission: Free to attend, register to get the link; donations of any amount are appreciated though not required.

Recording/Replay will be available to NCGR SF Chapter Members who register and to Non-Members who register AND make a donation of $10 or more in the month of this presentation. 

Click the button to register and get the link.


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Donations are welcome by those who are able – we appreciate your attendance and your donation encourages us to keep these events free of charge! (And as stated earlier, if you’re not a member of the SF Bay Area Chapter, your donation of $10 or more gets you the recording of the event).


Best Astrological Education Deal Around: Become a Member of the NCGR San Francisco Bay Area Chapter for $70 annually (see our Membership Page for more details) and enjoy the many benefits of local and national affiliation! For Chapter Affiliation choose “CA – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.”

Membership Info

Catherine Urban (NCGR-PAA IV, ISAR-CAP) With over 14 years of astrological immersion, Catherine’s practice is steeped in classical, humanistic, mundane, and horary technique. Specializing in forecasting, Catherine empowers her clients to become alchemists of their own charts, while gaining confidence and clarity on their path. Catherine is a mama of two, mage and author of Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign. Tune into Catherine’s weekly forecasts on IG + YouTube @astrocatherine or

Don’t miss this special opportunity to learn from Catherine!