Linea Van Horn, Jan. 27 at Fort Mason, Bldg B Third Floor, Sartle Library
Lecture, 1-3 PM
Saturday January 27
Fort Mason, Bldg B, Third Floor, Sartle Library
(Event date revised at speaker’s request and in support of the Women’s March Jan 20)
Everyone who registers by midnight January 21 is entered in a drawing to win a Free 30-Min Reading from Linea about their Lifetime Progressed Lunar Declination. This is a special chart that shows major “changes of tide” which occur at regular intervals in one’s life. These are reflected in big life events. Is a change of tide coming up for YOU?
The Moon has a little-known but wonderfully visible cycle which will unfold over the next several years. It’s the “Standstill Cycle of the Moon,” a phenomenon which dramatically affects where Luna rises and sets and keys us in to the Cardinal Signs and the solstice points.
The Standstill Cycle may be news in the modern era, but our ancient sky-watching ancestors built stone monuments to mark the precise locations where these extreme risings and settings of the Moon took place. They did not go to all this trouble for no reason.
Fortified with the knowledge you’ll gain in this fun, informative and visually exciting lecture, you will observe the Moon with new eyes, knowing exactly what to look for as the Moon’s swings become ever wider.
Don’t miss this life-enhancing workshop with Linea!
Light refreshments provided. Please arrive early, allowing time to park and to mingle with fellow astrology enthusiasts. Please note the location of this lecture is Building B, Third Floor, Sartle Library at Fort Mason.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (Ends Midnight January 21)
$15 NCGR Members; $20 Non-NCGR Members
REGISTER January 22 to January 27 and at the Door
$25 NCGR Members; $30 Non-NCGR Members
Linea Van Horn, C.A., NCGR, is the Astrologer at Large. Linea is Founder and President Emerita of the San Francisco Astrological Society (1992-2014) and has served on three NCGR boards, including the Board of Examiners. Formerly employed in the astrology Internet industry, Linea is a respected teacher, published author, and popular, lively public speaker. She now devotes herself to client work, teaching, writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit Linea’s website: www.astrologeratlarge.com