What better planet to turn the world of astrology on its head than Uranus, officially first sighted in 1781 – a relatively recent event, historically speaking?
Its discovery opened a Pandora’s box of an escalating variety of non-visible bodies that we astrologers must now acknowledge and account for in our work.
How do we go about this enormous task? Taking cues from both ancient and modern times, we will explore some of the most essential questions of our practice: how do we determine meaning from celestial bodies?
Can invisible planets “rule” signs? Are they really “higher” vibrations of “lower” planets?
Join Linea on this far-reaching exploration of visible and invisible planets!
Saturday, March 19, 2022
1pm to 3pm, Via Webinar
Admission: Donations of any amount are appreciated. Replay will be available to NCGR SF Chapter Members who register and to Non-Members who register and make a donation of at least $10 in the month of this presentation.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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Master Astrologer, Counselor, Teacher, Mentor, Public Speaker, Writer, Community Leader –
Linea Van Horn is the Astrologer at Large. Professional astrologer since 1998, Linea is Founder and President Emerita of the San Francisco Astrological Society (1992 – 2014). Formerly employed in the astrology Internet industry, Linea is an experienced astrological advisor, respected teacher, published author, and dynamic public speaker. She currently devotes herself to client work, teaching, writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is fully certified through the National Council for Geocosmic Research Professional Astrologer Alliance (Level IV, NCGR-PAA) and the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA). Member of AFAN, ISAR and OPA.