
February 2025:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our IN Person Gathering, Wednesday, June 11 at sunset / out of bounds moonrise at Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Solar Calendar at Berkeley Marina. Sign up for our first workshop since 2020, featuring Richard Tarnas, PhD, on April 19. Check the event listing for admission rates. Early bird rates end on April 1st.

December 2025
We welcome a new Recording Secretary, Carolyn Link, after Karina La Pluma has stepped down after her years of service on the Board. Gemini Brett returns for his second three year term as President of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Kevin Mallett, our current Executive Secretary, is also taking on the Treasurer’s position as Michelle Dench relinquishes that role, also after her service as Treasurer. Michelle remains our Vice President. Other chapter board members continue on in their roles in 2025. We will be hosting an online workshop in April so stay tuned for more details and mark your calendars for Saturday, April 19th!

August 2024:
Our ANNUAL PUBLIC BUSINESS MEETING will begin at 1pm on Saturday, Sept. 21st, and Julija Simas’ talk with begin at 2:30 p.m. This change is to accommodate Julija who lives in Australia. Join us at 1:00pm so you can meet the Board of Directors of NCGR-San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, find out about Board positions in case you want to become part of the winning team, make nominations for board positions that will typically elect for 3 year terms, give us feedback (praise is ok), and let us know some speakers you’d like us to host! We’ll then shift over to Julija Simas at 2:30 pm (which is 7:30 am, as she joins us from Australia).

May 2024: Due to circumstances beyond our control, our June 29th in-person event is postponed until further notice.

January 2024, we’re having Quarterly Community Discussions instead of Monthly. We appreciate all who have joined us over several years we’ve have hosted this event every First Friday! Keep joining us, as we’re meeting April 5th, June 21st, Sept. 21st, and December 13th. This event is free and open to the public. For more info and to register, go here.

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Don’t miss our Annual Public Business Meeting and Social coming up Saturday, September 21st! We’ll be taking nominations for 2 board positions: President and Recording Secretary.

We continue to offer our events with complimentary admission since March 2020 (except for one workshop in April of 2022)! Best astrological education deal is to become a member of our chapter. Go to and when you need to choose your “Chapter Affiliation” choose “Calif-SF Bay Area Chapter” to enjoy our extra special benefits. One of the many special perks is members who register for the speaker event will get a recording of it. Non-members may join us for our speaker events and if they register and make a donation of at least $10 the month of the event, they can recording as well.

We haven’t yet determined when we’ll be meeting in person again.

Don’t miss our upcoming events by getting notices – sign up for our email list by clicking HERE

Reach out to us at if you’re interested in serving the Bay Area Astrology Community and joining our Board. You must be (or become) a member of NCGR in good standing to be considered. Member dues are $70 per year and includes local AND national affiliation.

Volunteering is one of the best ways to make a difference while expanding your knowledge base and meeting new people. To check out the current Board who keeps this organization running, go to

To become a member of our chapter go to and when you choose chapter affiliation be sure to select “Calif – San Francisco Bay Area.” 



We are pleased to announce the availability of the Level-1 certification exam ONLINE.

This marks the beginning of the transition of the PAA Certification exams from the old paper form to an online form.The transition of Level-2 and beyond will follow.

This change also allows PAA to upgrade and improve the testing system by streamlining the questions, adding more depth of knowledge, and in general, raise the standard of our certification process all around.

The obvious benefit of online testing is making it available to everyone without the limitation of location, date or time.

For more info check out our Certification page.

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How to get recordings of presentations: NCGR-SF Chapter Members who register for the speaker event get a recording of that month’s presentation. Non-Members who register and make a donation during the month of that presentation will receive a recording. (Suggested amounts are $10-$20, however any amount is appreciated).

Best deal is by becoming a Member of our local San Francisco Bay Area Chapter you’ll enjoy the many benefits of being part of dynamic our local chapter and an international astrological organization). Join by going to (Please email your receipt to to confirm you have become a member of our chapter). Annual membership is $55.

Recordings of many previous speakers are available for purchase at

To make a donation, click the button below or click HERE
Thank you for your donations – they encourage and help us to continue to offer these events free to the community.


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For our next Speaker event check

We were unable to meet during Shelter-In-Place, so beginning in March 2020 we offered our lectures free of charge, accepting donations. Our special offers are subject to change. Recording/replay available to members of our chapter who register for that event, and to non-members who donate at least $10 (for 2 hr event, $20-$30 for 3-4 hr event) in the month of that presentation. 

We continue our Monthly Community Discussions the first Friday of each month which we began in 2020, from 3:30 to 5:00pm, Pacific Time. The gathering via Zoom Meeting is not recorded and offered free of charge. Gemini Brett and other Board members are hosting. Topic is subject to change. 


To help cover the expenses of our programming we’re accepting donations via PayPal.

Not only does your donation help with the cost of producing events, it allows us to offer them for free to those who cannot give at this time.

You can click on the “Donate” button on the top menu bar of the home page, or “Donate” on the Tip Jar to make a donation – or just click HERE.

Thank you for your interest in astrological education and we hope you don’t miss the benefits of being a part of our community!