Cathy Coleman, NCGR-SF Chapter President & Education Director
1pm to 4pm
Pleasant Hill, CA
Accessible via BART + Bus
Admission: Free
Send your RSVP to info@ncgrsanfrancisco.org for Location & Directions
Space is Limited
Get to know about the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research as we conduct our annual public business meeting, followed by a social. Members and non-members are welcome.
Please RSVP: send your name and email for the location. Space is limited.
If you have considered serving the astrological community, here’s an opportunity to take a leadership role in a “can do” non-profit organization and enjoy the company of some astro-dynamo folks.
We’re also seeking nominations for this Board position: President. Along with the duties of the position, Board members are expected to attend board meetings (4 a year) and assist with set-up and break-down at monthly NCGR events. In return for their efforts, board members are exempt from paying admission fees to NCGR events sponsored by the San Francisco Chapter. Board members are required to maintain their annual membership status with NCGR National.
Please bring along food, and your favorite beverage to share. We will have our typical light refreshments too.
We hope you don’t miss this special opportunity to check us out. Click this link to RSVP: info@ncgrsanfrancisco.org, send your name and email for the location. Space is limited.
Come for some Astrological Get-to-Know Each Other time we don’t normally have. Here’s your chance to mingle with board members and guests.
Please note: The Jane RidderPatrick Webinar originally slated for this day has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.