REGISTER – GET THE LINK Tracking the Solar Phases of Mercury to Reveal the Fullness of Mythos in Action We begin by examining the Mythology of Hermes from a Cosmological perspective, placing it within the overall story of the Olympic Pantheon’s emergence. From there we differentiate between the various complex and multifaceted roles Hermes plays …
Tag: Astrology Lecture
May 18 2024 CATHERINE URBAN: Unifying Solar Returns and Annual Profections
REGISTER – GET THE LINK Both Solar Return charts and Annual Profections highlight themes for an individual’s year ahead forecast. But how do we streamline these two techniques to tell a concise story about the incoming year? Medieval Persian astrologer Abu Ma’shar offers us a valuable system. Let’s dive into this potent year-ahead fusion of …
April 20 2024 – ERIK ROTH: The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
Jupiter and Uranus come into conjunction every 13-14 years but also come together in a synodic resonance about every 83 years. This year on April 20-21, the only conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter this year takes place as the next octave of the previous conjunction in May, 1941 in the sign of Taurus. Erik will …
March 23 2024 GARY CHRISTEN: Interpreting Ingress Charts
For fifty years, Gary has been amazing astrology audiences with his accurate forecasts of world events and trends using the techniques of the Symmetrical (Uranian) system of astrology and the Winter Solstice chart. In this talk, Gary will share the techniques he has developed to analyze ingress charts. You will learn how to distinguish energies …