Tag: Astrology Lecture

May 6 2023 PAUL KELLEY: “A Woman Taken by the Wind”: Finding Lilith, Knowing Lilith – An Astrological Exploration

Paul Kelley NCGR-SF May 6 2023

(Due to Family Emergency this event is postponed from April 22nd to May 6th, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you don’t miss Paul’s presentation). Throughout history and across cultures, there has been a seductive, intemperate Lilith figure living on the fringes of conventional society. As the baby-stealing, husband-seducing, demon-birthing, screech-owl, night-wind …

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March 25 2023 – MICHAEL BARWICK: Celestial Superpowers: Using Fixed Stars in Natal Astrology

Michael Barwick-NCGR-SF March 25 2023

Fixed stars once played a major role in astrology. Despite astrology literally meaning ‘study of the stars,’ today many astrologers view the fixed stars as add-ons or dismiss their significance altogether. Psychological astrology is largely mute regarding their influence. Even some traditional astrologers have asserted they have no meaning in natal astrology. In this talk, …

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Dec 3 2022 JUDITH HILL: Interpreting the Lunar Nodes in Relationship Charts

Judith Hill 12-3-2022 NCGR-SF

The Lunar Nodes are supremely important for all manner of compatibility assessments.    For Example:  What are some possible implications of your Venus conjunct your partner’s South Node?   Or, conversely, their North Node?   Who benefits when his Jupiter is conjunct your North Node?   Why does one friend energize you, yet another drains …

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Oct 15 2022 KELLEY HUNTER: The Cosmic Feminine: Moon, Venus and Black Moon Lilith in Relationship

Kelley Hunter 10/15/22 NCGR-SF

The re-arising of the Divine Feminine is a core mystery of our era, awakening a new quality of consciousness in us all. Three essential aspects of the feminine in astrology include: *The Moon describes our foundational mother/family matrix that set up our automatic, subconscious programming and self-identity; * Venus heart intelligence enhances our emotional experience …

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