Tag: Astrology San Francisco

Nov 11 2023 – ADAM GAINSBURG: The Ex-Halted Mars Cycle 2023-2026

Adam Gainsburg Nov 11 2023 NCGR-SF

In this experiential lecture, Adam will explain the Sky logic of the Mars-Sun Cycle, its key events, and the significations of the impending new cycle beginning on November 18. This will be followed by descriptions of each of Mars’ 13 Phases and general guidelines for delineating one’s personal Mars on the chart – sign, house, …

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April 23 2022 ACYUTA-BHAVA DAS: The Secret Symbolism of the Houses

NCGR-SF Acyuta Bhava Das 4-23-22

In this 4-hour workshop, Acyuta-bhava will present one of the most important but little known theories put forward by the late great Hellenistic astrologer, Robert Schmidt, regarding the original rationale behind the topical assignments of the twelve houses. Why is it, for example, that topics like neighbors, siblings, and writing were ever associated collectively with …

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