Would you like to: * Look forward to your Saturn transits? * Have a strategy for current Saturn in Capricorn issues? * Understand the deeper evolutionary meaning of your natal Saturn potential? Join Saturnophile Kay Taylor for a deep dive into all things Saturn. We’ll look at the evolutionary goal state of natal Saturn placements. …
Tag: Astrology
JUNE 16 2018 Triple Header: Marie O’Neill, Ryan Evans and James Eyerman
ASTROLOGY TRIPLE HEADER MARIE O’NEILL: Decanates: What Are They and Why Use Them? RYAN EVANS: Seasonal Archetypology JAMES EYERMAN: Pleasing the Planets: Vedic and Ayurvedic Remedies for Grouchy Grahas (Planets) June 16, Saturday, 1pm to 5pm Fort Mason, Bldg. C, Rm 210 Marie O’Neill: Decanates – What are they and why use them? The use …
APR 21 – A.T.MANN: Life Time Astrology and How to Track Your Life History
Workshop, Saturday Apr 21, 1-5 p.m. Fort Mason, Bldg. C, Rm 210 Our astrological life in time is lived through a symbolic cylinder beginning at conception. As we age, the cylinder fills up with memories and experiences. Planets register at certain levels of the cylinder and aspects connect them through the timeless center of the …