Tag: Astrology Lecture

DEC 05 2020 GREG BOGART: Preparing for the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT, Dec 5 2020 NCGR-SF

Saturday, Dec. 5, 1pm to 3pm Via Webinar During this time of uncertainty the wisdom of astrology can help us surf the changes and achieve a calm inner center. This comes from understanding the current transiting situation affecting all of us and also the implications and possibilities of one’s personal transits and what they’re asking …

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April 18 2020 ONER DOSER: Financial Significators (Webinar)

Oner Doser NCGR SF April 18 2020

In a birth chart, it is possible to find the issues the native may make profit from and how, as well as alternative ways of making money. For finding the significator, we will look at the methods suggested by ancient astrologers beginning with Claudius Ptolemy from the classical period, to William Lilly, a late Renaissance …

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March 28 2020 KITTY HATCHER: Where’s The Money?

Kitty Hatcher Webinar NCGR-SF March 28 2020

Where is the money in YOUR chart? (In response to COVID-19 this webinar is free). What can you do to become more financially abundant? What is holding you back from having your financial security needs met and what can you do to correct it? How can you feel financially secure with Uranus in Taurus? Find …

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