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Don’t Miss Our Next Community Discussion!

Friday, Jan. 3, 2025
3:30-5:00 PM, Pacific Time,
hosted by Greg Knell
Via Zoom Meeting
Admission is Free
Save These Dates: Feb 7, March 7

Archive for Astrology Talk

May 21 2022 ARI MOSHE WOLFE: When Planets Square the Lunar Nodes

In natal charts, planets that square the nodes represent very important soul dynamics/lessons that have the potential to be understood and resolved in the current life. In this talk Ari Moshe will explain the karmic and evolutionary meaning of planets that square the nodes, what they represent, the healing potential they point to, and teach […]

Sept 18 2021 DALE O’BRIEN – USA Paradigms of Fear – From Valley Forge to 9/11 to Spring 2020

Dale O'Brien 9-18-2021 NCGR-SF

John Lennon asked, “Why in the world are we here? Surely not to live in pain and fear.” America’s leaders since Spring of 1778 do not agree with John’s assumption. Lunar North Node Returns to 2+ degrees of Cancer show U.S. leaders in new crisis and the American people again living with a new fear, […]

Jan 24 2021 ERIC MEECE: The Great American Turning Point – What’s Ahead for the 2020’s

Jan 24 2021 NCGR-SF Eric Meece

The planets indicate that the United States of America and many peoples around the world are coming to an historic turning point. What do the planets say about where we’re headed, and what might we confront as the USA crosses this threshold into a new age? What does the 2020 election mean for us going […]

NCGR-SF Board of Directors

Gemini Brett

President Emeritus:
Steve Pincus

Vice President:
Michelle Dench

Executive Secretary & Treasurer: 
Kevin Mallett

Her Royal Majesty’s Minister of
Greg Knell

Outreach/Publicity Director:
Winter Weldon

Recording Secretary:
Carolyn Link

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