Tag: NCGR San Francisco

April 23 2022 ACYUTA-BHAVA DAS: The Secret Symbolism of the Houses

NCGR-SF Acyuta Bhava Das 4-23-22

In this 4-hour workshop, Acyuta-bhava will present one of the most important but little known theories put forward by the late great Hellenistic astrologer, Robert Schmidt, regarding the original rationale behind the topical assignments of the twelve houses. Why is it, for example, that topics like neighbors, siblings, and writing were ever associated collectively with …

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March 19 2022 LINEA VAN HORN: Those Pesky Outer Planets: Putting Them in Perspective

Linea Van Horn March 19 2022 NCGR-SF

What better planet to turn the world of astrology on its head than Uranus, officially first sighted in 1781 – a relatively recent event, historically speaking? Its discovery opened a Pandora’s box of an escalating variety of non-visible bodies that we astrologers must now acknowledge and account for in our work. How do we go …

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Feb 12 2022 HENRY SELTZER: New Planets Beyond Pluto: Eris, MakeMake, and Haumea

Henry Seltzer Feb 12 2022 NCGR-SF

What do new planetary archetypes Eris, MakeMake, and Haumea have to tell us about the underpinnings of human psychology? Pluto, Chiron, and Eris can all three be shown to go to depth within the psyche. These are considered “Shamanic” planetary archetypes by Daniel Giamario, founder of Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, his judgment based in part …

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Oct 2 2021 BRUCE SCOFIELD: What is Astrology?

Bruce Scofield 10-02-21 NCGR-SF

It is probable that 99% of people engaged with astrology, ranging from casual sun-sign readings to advanced professionals, are focused on astrology as a practice in which the lives of human beings are analyzed. The other 1% includes those involved with mundane astrology or historical astrology. In other words, the subject of astrology is primarily …

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