AUG 15 2020 STEVE PINCUS: Midpoints in Synastry

Steve Pincus Aug 5 NCGR SF

Planetary Combinations in Relationships

In Continued Commitment to Providing Quality Astrology Education in the Midst of COVID-19, This Webinar is Free

Harmony and stress in relationships are often revealed through midpoint and planet interactions between partners’ horoscopes.

This approach gives insights often missed by other relationship techniques.

In this talk, important midpoints are discussed from a relationship perspective and examples combine transits with Solar Arc directions.

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Space is limited to the first 100 participants.

Steve Pincus began studying astrology in 1976. His approach incorporates Symmetrical Techniques derived from Uranian Astrology (Hamburg School – Witte) and Cosmobiology (Ebertin). A certified Astrocartographer (1985); Regulus Award Nominee for Community Service UAC 2018; San Francisco Bay Area NCGR Chapter President 1985-2015 and currently serving as President Emeritus. Steve’s the owner of Sun Recording Service (, an Astrology lecture archive ranging from the early 1980’s to the present. He worked closely with Arlene Kramer and produces the 90° Star Dial System featuring Arlene’s unique design.

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Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Steve!