Secondary progressions, transits, solar arc direction, solar return charts, annual profections, the Huber Method, and mundane aspects can all be used as means of prediction.
We’ll not only cover how to do each of these methods, but also when and why to use each technique to the greatest effect.
Examples from clients and famous personalities will be used.
Saturday, Sept 19, 1pm to 4pm
3 Hr Free Webinar Workshop
Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is an NCGR-PAA Level IV certified Consulting Astrologer. He is President of NCGR, Books and Articles Editor for the Astrology News Service, and Contributing Editor to NCGR’s Enews. His book credits include Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World and Transpersonal Astrology. Separating Aspects, his most recent book, is about relationship astrology. Armand can be reached at